

16 March 2014

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis - Clauses - Types

Types of Clauses

Sentence indicated by                 {    } 
Clause indicated by                     [    ]
Verbs in some of the sentences have been highlighted in Yellow  to make it easy for you to identify the clause. This is a learning strategy and is not part of the answer. In the exam you could use a pencil to lightly underline the verb. Remember: No. of verbs = no. of clauses. :) 

Compound Sentences: Main Clauses – coordination.
(Note: Clauses begin AFTER a conjunction )
1)     Se { <  MCl [ Rachel went to the market ] but MCl [ she did not buy anything ] > } .
2)    Se {<  MCl [ Meera was excited] and MCl [so was her brother] > }.
3)    < MCl [Her father had promised her a gift ] but MCl [ would he remember ] >?
4)    < MCl [ He fought hard ] and MCl [so he won every time ] >
No Clause
Se {A blackboard, some chalks, a duster, scattered and tattered textbooks, a few empty benches – a typical classroom scenario}.  
-          NO CLAUSE
Noun Clauses 
- answer the questions - what, who, whom -  posed to the main verb
- Generally immediately precede or succeed the Main Verb

1)    MCl [ NCling [  Coming early ]  is not always desirable ] .
2)    MCl [ I do not know NCl [what he was up to ] ].
3)    MCl [ He thought  NCl [ he was smart ] ].
4)    MCl [ “ NCl [ I am tired ],” said Ram ] .
5)    MCl [ He claimed  NCl [ he was the winner ] ] .
6)    MCl [ < NCli  [ To be ]  or NCli [ not to be ] >  is the question ] .
Relative Clauses –
Answer the question WHICH posed to the Noun or Pronoun
Generally immediately precede or succeed the noun/ pronoun they describe

1)    MCl [ NP (The boy  RCl [ who is sitting on the last bench ] ) is sleeping ].
2)    MCl [ The rains RCl [ that lashed the city yesterday ] caused a lot of havoc ].
3)     MCl [He went into the room RCl [ where the files were stored ] ].
4)    MCl [ The one RCling [ beaming for no reason ] went ahead with his plans ].
5)    MCl [ He reached  within the time RCl [ stipulated by the committee ] ] .
6)    MCl [ Gandhi Jayanti RCl [that is a holiday for the rest of the country]  is a working day for us ] .
Adverb Clauses
Answer the questions – When, Where, How, Why – posed to the verb, another adverb or an adjective

1)    Se { MCl [ Hari came ACling [ running ] ] }.
2)    MCl [ Saachi was later than ever ACl [ for she came by bus instead of the train ] ] .
3)    MCl [ Kimberly went away ACli [ to think upon her future ]].
4)    MCl [ He arrived ACl [ when the clock struck seven ] ].
5)    MCl [ I parked the car ACl [where the principal generally parks it]].
6)    MCl [ ACl [ If he had studied ] , he would have passed ].
7)    MCl [ He went ACli  [ to buy vegetables ] ].
8)    MCl [ She danced ACl  [ as if there were no tomorrow ] ].
9)    MCl [ He could not succeed ACl [ however much he tried ] ]

Preposition Clauses – Begin with prepositions
1)    MCl [ The marbles PCl [ with which I played yesterday]  are missing ].
2)    MCl [ I do not like movies PCl [ in which there is too much action ] ] .
3)    MCl [ Her father shouted at her PCling [ for coming late ] ] .
MCl [ He reached within the committee’s stipulated time limit ]
Comparative Clauses
1)    MCl [ He worked with more dedication than CCl [ was expected of him ] ].
2)    MCl [ Rajiv, faster than CCl [ even a horse could be ], reached the gates ].
3)    MCl [ He worked as hard as  CCl [ he could ] ].
4)    MCl [ His position now was superior to CCl [ even what his father had dreamed ] ].

Mixed Clauses and Types of Subordination and Coordination

Coordination in a sentence       –                      { < MCl [  ] and  MCL [  ] > }
Subordination in a sentence     –                      {   MCl [     PCl [ ]   ]   }
Coordination and Subordination                     { < MCl  [   ACl [ ]    ]   and  MCL [  ] > }
Subordination within Subordination            { MCl [     ACl [     PCl [   ] ]    ] }
Subordination within Coordination                { MCl [    < NCl [  ]  and  NCl  [   ] >   ] }
Coordination within Subordination                { MCl   [NCl   < RCl [ ] and RCl [ ] >  ]    ] }

1)    {   MCLAClingPanting   ACl [ as he reached the corner ] ] , he raced   PCL [ to  where his brother lay face down ] ] }.   – IDEAL Answer
{   MCLAClAClingPanting ]  as he reached the corner  ] , he raced   PCL [ to  where his brother lay face down ] ] }.   Option that may tempt
{  <  MCLACling [  Panting ] as he reached the corner ] , MCl [ he raced   PCL [ to  where his brother lay face down ] ] >  } .  Option that is wrong
2)    MCl [ More excited than CCl [ he had a right RCli [ to be  ] ], he approached the star RCl [ he had (always ) admired  ]  ACli [ to get the autograph  RCl [ that would make him the target of his friends’ envy ] ]  ] .
3)    MCl [ KitKat’s advertisements are displayed on TV,   RClen [ also known as the Idiot Box ] , ACl [ every time she switches on the channel RCl [ she most likes   ] ] ] .

One Sentence Idea – Different Clause Types:
1)    { MCl [ The marbles  RCl [ I played with yesterday ]  are missing  ] }.
2)    { < MCl [ The marbles are missing today ] ; MCl [ I played with them yesterday ] > }.
3)    { MCl [ Yesterday, I played with the marbles  RCl [ that are missing today ] ] } .
4)    { MCl [ The marbles are missing now  ACl [ though they were available for me ACli [ to play with ] yesterday  ] ] }  .
5)    {MCl [The missing marbles were played with yesterday by me ] } .
6)    { MCl [ The marbles  RCling[ missing today ] are  NCl [ what I played with yesterday ] ] } .
7)    { MCl [ The marbles  PCl [ with which I played yesterday ] are missing today ] } .

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